Dear Granny (really my Great-Granny),
Thank you so much for my new walker. Even though my feet don't quite touch the floor yet
Thanks for my awesome Christmas present, Granny!
Thanks for my awesome Christmas present, Granny!
For comparison purposes, these pictures were taken in the jumparoo just four months ago.
Where's Layla? And Eli is looking away.
Same thing...
Close... But not quite the one :).
Eli is looking away, my hair is covering up half of Layla's face, and J.C. isn't smiling. Let's try another.
Not it.
Also not it.
This one was the best one and I seriously thought about using it. But, Eli is looking away and he really is the main attraction to the photo (in my opinion, anyway), so I think we're going to try again on a different day with an actual person taking the picture.
On this episode......
5 months old:
Isn't that incredible? I'm excited about him getting bigger, but it's going by too fast! Slow down Eli!
Here's a bonus pic:
We're sick parents, I know...
Side note: The "grr'ing" noise for Layla means it's play time and it cracks me up how she's jumping around with her goose in the background.
I love this one.
We finally caught a few laughs on video, although they aren't as good as some of the other ones we've gotten when the camera is not on. I'll keep trying though! I posted two videos here because the second one cracks me up with the big sigh at the end.
Why is it that babies know when the camera is on and then do the opposite of what you want them to do? Oh well, perhaps I'll have better luck "capturing the moment" next time.
After lunch we decided to ride around for awhile and ended up going to Swann Bridge - one of the few remaining wooden covered bridges in the state. I had such a wonderful day hangin' out with the best hubby in the world!
Person approaches parent and baby with "goo goo' look on their face. They say all the customary stuff like "He looks so great!" , "How adorable!", etc... My personal favorite is "He looks like a normal baby now" (in a tone of great surprise). This statement doesn't really offend me - I know Eli looked like a shrivelled up alien when he was born, but I do find it pretty funny that people would be shocked that he looks so "normal" now. Anyway, I digress from the topic.
So, person approaches and it seems like they want to ask me if they can hold him, but are nervous to ask because they don't know if I'm one of the moms who's paranoid about this sort of thing. I think about offering, but hesitate because I don't want to be one of those people who just assumes that everyone wants to hold him and then shove my kid on someone who's just being nice. This situation can be a little awkward.
So, assuming I know you, you are welcome to ask me to hold Eli if you wish. I really won't mind. Pick your moments. Please don't ask me to hold him while he's screaming and I'm trying to calm him down (as one lady recently did) and, unless you're a very close friend or relative, please give him back within a reasonable amount of time so that we don't have another awkward situation of me having to ask for my child back.
Think I might over-analyze things a bit?
Anyway, here are a couple of cute pics from our day of tailgating on Saturday.