Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday fess-up...

Is it Friday again already? Really? Bummer.

I'm down .4 lb. So, I'm exactly where I was two weeks ago. (long sigh).

Down is down, I know. But, if y'all haven't figured it out already, the 12/12 date I had set for myself as the "goal weight date" isn't gonna happen. At least not unless my dieting motivation magically snaps into place really soon (don't count on that...). Maybe I'll get there. One day.


Rachel said...

If you really want to be impressive for fess up friday, I recommend a stomach virus! It works wonders for the scale! Makes the rest of life impossible, though. . .

Greta said...

Friday Fess-up has ruined your love of tragic!

Jennifer said...

wow, what a generous SIL you have - one who is willing to share ANYTHING!!

Your Friday Fess-ups are encouraging to me because it shows I'm not the only one out there who needs to lose the baby weight and yet can't stay disciplined enough to make it happen. I think it's because we are so busy being a wife and mommy that we don't have the energy left over to be disciplined about what we eat. My personal weakness is Dr. Pepper. Since we are now getting up so early every morning to take Harris to school, I've got to have my DP to get going. And then by supper time, I'm just too tired to exercise the will-power to not have another one. (My goal is supposed to be just one DP a day.)

So feel better. And pray about it. We are supposed to be good stewards of our body since they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So I have started asking God for the discipline to be good with what I eat - and even asked that He would replace my appetite for bad things with an appetite for good things. I'll let you know when that happens... :)

Lindsay said...

Yeah, the fess-up has put a damper on my Fridays, but I strategically put it on Fridays so that if I have a gluttonous weekend I then have the whole week to try to make up for it before my moment of truth. Silly, I know...

Glad you find it encouraging, Jenn! My goal is for it to become inspirational (aka "If-I-can-do-it-ANYBODY-can-do-it), but I'm not on the fast track for accomplishing that... :)

Leanna Tennille McClellan said...

I understand about motivation or lack there of. I have been on weight watchers 2 years now and still only lost 35 pounds. While people around me have lost 50 in like 4 weeks go figure. I have hit a rut where I am not motivated to follow plan but I am trying to stick with it. I am sure you will find your motivation and get the weight gone.