Friday, August 29, 2008

Nursing, Part II

Okay.... Before I had a child, I thought it was weird for people to nurse their child in public and never imagined that I would ever, ever do it. My perspective has changed somewhat now. Stay with me here...

(Seriously, I excuse my male readers from this post. Moms - stick around. I need advice!)

This discussion came up between J.C. and me last night as we were discussing our Saturday plans. As we began discussing all of our options, it began to sound like it may turn into an "all day out of the house" sort of day. So, this means the baby will need to eat and the boobs will need to be emptied at some point while we're outside of the comfort and privacy of our home. This situation has come up with us before, only I carried bottles for Eli and had to pump in the car on our way from place to place. I can still do that, but I really would prefer not to (remember my "baseball bat to the pump" imagery?). Plus, this requires me to pack the pump and all its parts, bottles, and a cooler to put the bottles in (in addition to diapers, wipes, burp cloths, blankets, pacis, an extra outfit, and the baby :)) Big pain. It just seems so much simpler to nurse your child when they get hungry. But, since I can't nurse Eli in the car while we're driving, then I have to figure out how this will work. Tricky business.

Before I became a mom, I really had no idea how demanding an infant's feeding schedule was. When I saw a woman nursing in public I always thought that they should go into hiding before they nursed. Now I realize that unless you want to remain under house arrest for months, then it becomes necessary to feed your child away from your home. And honestly, my attitude now is more like "Get over it. It's only a boob. The child has gotta eat."; and I really don't care if it makes someone uncomfortable. Mind you, I'm all about putting a wrap over me to cover everything up, but some people (ahem, my husband for example) still get squeemish about this sort of thing (with other people, of course).

So, knowing that there are people out there like my husband and my former self, I'm not sure what to do. Advice please!


Anonymous said...


With so many options available to give you full coverage, there's no reason to go into hiding to feed Eli. He's never going to be more portable than he is now so I hope you and JC enjoy this time. Don't worry about someone being offended by the perfectly natural, healthy act of breastfeeding. Raising kids is enough work as is!

L, Kristine

Leanna Tennille McClellan said...

Ok I realize I am not a mom, but as a women who isn't I say as long as you are covering up then go ahead and nurse him. I mean you like you said the baby has to eat and it is only a boob.

Farris said...

If you're referring to being uncomfortable at Frankie and Amy's PLEASE don't let that stop you from coming! Nobody there will think anything of it and before too long it will be normal routine in the Latham house. We hope to see you tomorrow, it should be a fun time!

Rachel said...

Just do what you're comfortable with, if that's being covered and not alone, that's fine, or if that's being alone, I'm sure you can find somewhere to be alone.
I was super modest and didn't want to publicly nurse, and I NEVER had trouble finding a private spot. If we were out and about and I needed to nurse in the car, I would have Chris pull behind a shopping center, get in the back seat where the windows were tinted, STILL had my cover over her, and nursed back there (ok - maybe I was a bit TOO paranoid). If you're going to be at someone's house, I'm sure you can find an unused bedroom to sit in. I know it's a pain to nurse while out of the house, but usually not too difficult to find somewhere relatively confined.

Greta said...

When out for the day (while I was nursing) here's where I fed Sam...
in the car - TONS of times, while out shopping, or out to eat, etc.
sitting on a toilet in the bathroom (gross, I know!)

If I had had a nursing cover, I totally would've done it in a restaurant or wherever! You can be discreet and most people won't even notice..if they do, they can get over it. Bob was squeemish too but I'm sure J.C. will become more comfortable with it ;).

Lindsay said...

Thanks everyone! We'll see how it goes...