Monday, November 24, 2008

6 month portraits!

Check out my little man! Doesn't he look so grown up? (sniff sniff...)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Impromptu attempt at taking Christmas card pictures...

What happens when, on a whim one morning, you decide to try to take a picture for the Christmas card and you have two adults (one who hates to smile for pictures), a baby, a dog, and the self timer on a camera?

Well, this....
Whoops. Forgot to take the hoodie off.

Where's Layla? And Eli is looking away.

Same thing...

Close... But not quite the one :).

Eli is looking away, my hair is covering up half of Layla's face, and J.C. isn't smiling. Let's try another.

Not it.

Also not it.

This one was the best one and I seriously thought about using it. But, Eli is looking away and he really is the main attraction to the photo (in my opinion, anyway), so I think we're going to try again on a different day with an actual person taking the picture.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Spiffy new look

It seems like every blogger I know has been changing their blog templates, so I decided to follow suit. Like it?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby on the move

I left Eli here:

only to come back 5 minutes later to find him here:

which means this has become an urgent problem (soon to be remedied):

P.S. - Happy six month birthday Eli! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. Your dad and I love you so much!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm a big fat quitter. Literally...

The self-inflicted torture of Friday fess-ups will resume after the holidays. We'll just call it my new year's resolution...

I know... Pathetic.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A first...

In Wal-Mart today, I passed by a lady who noticed Eli and said to me "Wow! What a big baby!". Of course, she didn't ask me how old he was, but it was nice to hear something other than "Wow... He's so tiny. I have a 3-month old niece/grandchild/etc. that's soooo much bigger than him."

Can you tell I have a complex about this?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pics from the week

Eatin' his big boy foodYummmm!!

Mommmm... Do I have to clean my plate?
(And a bonus video for the grandparents...)
I've always heard that it's the cheap, simple toys that they like the most. I guess it's true!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday fess-up...

Down .3 lb this week. Bleh....